One with the Bug

Did you know that there are 16 times more microorganisms in your body than there are cells? That means they are there for a reason, I would think. For example, bacteria live inside the cells of your body. They make ATP, which is the energy you need to really, truly live. There are good bacteria that live in your gut. They protect you from unwanted bugs that creep into your body. They also produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter substance that makes you happy. There are happy fungal bugs that secrete mood elevators just like when you sip on organic wine and get a happy buzz.

The important thing is to keep all these bugs happy, healthy, and dedicated to you being your best so they can be their best.

One with the bug yes!

So, you must maintain your health and wellbeing for many reasons. You need to be alkaline, so eat alkaline foods. You must be well-hydrated to flush out the dirt in your cells and systems. You need minerals to keep your proper electrical charge throughout. Your thoughts must be pure, non-judgemental, and more loving. All for you and your bugs.

For example, if you eat junk food, you become acidic, your cell walls get roughed up, and the bugs get angry. Your energy drops, you get used to it (adaptation) and the angry bugs try to take over.

Antibiotics kill everything and are not the answer. You need to look after yourself and your bugs so all can live a higher and finer life.

If your thoughts are negative, they flow through your spine and nerves to your body. Your cells and bugs become negative too. They will retaliate. Love yourself and your bugs.

If you eat crappy foods, don’t drink enough pure water and your body is filled with toxic dirt, you adapt to it – and don’t know until it’s too late!

So we don’t fight the bugs and we don’t fight abnormal angry cells (cancer). We change. We get a pure and powerful chiropractic adjustment on a regular basis to initiate and maintain a supreme continual healing process within us. Then we eat alkaline food, drink pure water, exercise and re-mineralize our bodies to create health, wellbeing, harmony, and vitality, for us and the bugs, too.

Keep your mind in the divine and develop an attitude that has altitude and your brain will send the vibrational, loving energy to the cells and your bugs.

 Together, you will live the life that was designed for you.

See you soon! 

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