Mood Disorders


In the almost 25 years that I have had the privilege of participating in the natural healing arts, I have come to agree that over 90% of all health related conditions either begin with or include mental/emotional stress. Mental emotional stress causes your muscles to tighten and your internal organs weaken when the mind fills with unwanted negative thoughts due to daily stressors in life. We all tend to get a little moody from time to time as a direct result of these stressors.

Chemical imbalances caused by toxins that accumulate within your body systems affect the function of the cells, tissues and organs as well.  More specifically are neurotoxins that affect how the brain and nervous system function and ultimately how we behave.  Consider a child fed too much sugar and becomes hyperactive even destructive. Back pain and headaches are but a few symptoms of toxic accumulation within our bodies. Pain of any sort can trigger mood swings to be sure.  Even women who have experienced mood swings with their periods are a good example of how toxins in our internal environment can disrupt our ability to connect with each other and truly live.  Thankfully no one needs to live with this stressful burden.

I have witnessed a return to an exceptional level of life’s expression in mind, body and heart with the healthcare program that we offer at our healing center.  All that is needed is your focused participation.  Sadly I have seen people come in need of help in severe pain or experiencing anxiety, depression or just frustration only to get a few adjustments take a few remedies, clean up their diet and lifestyle just a little bit and then leave before any real healing occurred.  So back they go into the same pattern with the same internal conditions that stole their health and well -being and their expression of life.

If I could offer you one piece of advice it would be “ don’t trust your feelings”.

On another note I have had the pleasure, extreme pleasure of observing the healing process at work within many individuals, “Wow”, is all I can say.

Take a cervical adjustment for example.  The brain initiates a healing response as it returns to a higher conscious state.  There is a relaxing of all the muscles of your body with each adjustment and then the internal organs go to work to nourish, heal and purify every part of your body, mind and heart.

I have had many phone calls from the spouses of those who choose to participate in a complete healing process.  You know what they are telling me, “ thank you, my husband or wife or child is back”. They are kinder, happier, and more interactive in a soft loving manner, just like they use to be.  It fills my eyes with tears when I hear this or see this response from such a one.

I am blessed with the ability to detect and offer the correct remedies to support the removal of the harmful toxins within.  You know my energy test when you put your thumb and little finger together and you touch specific parts on your body with your other hand.  I call this my Body Systems Analysis.  It is a “very accurate method of assessing your internal environment.  Research on this method by a medical doctor has demonstrated the accuracy to be ≥ .999%. These higher energetic treatment protocols support the healing process initiated by the upper cervical specific adjustment.

I have had many phone calls from the spouses of those who choose to participate in a complete healing process. You know what they are telling me, “thank you, my husband or wife or child is back”. They are kinder, happier, and more interactive in a soft loving manner, just like they used to be. It fills my eyes with tears when I hear this or see this response from such a one.

So remember the next time you get into an unwanted mood there is a cause and a natural solution. Get regular chiropractic adjustments to help your mind clear and develop a good health paradigm to keep those unwanted toxins from affecting how you think.

Have a body systems analysis to determine whether mental, emotional, toxic, or physical stress is causing your demise.

See you soon.

Dr. Robert Folkard

I was at a seminar lately and one of the lecturers demonstrated a link between a weakened digestive tract and mood disorders.  How wild is that….on a similar note many have believed that genetics play a role in their health.  We now know this is not true.  It is the environment that you live in inside and outside that affects your health and well -being.  You are now empowered with this pearl of wisdom.

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