Chemical Soup

Chemical Soup – Chemical Stress – A Loss of Health

I was at a seminar recently, and the doctor described the body as a chemical soup…

Did you know 100,000 chemical reactions occur within your body every second?  Wow that’s amazing!   Every time you put something into your body it causes a shift in your normal, daily chemical reactions.  Some good, some not so good.   Coffee, for example, is a chemical stressor.  Coffee causes the body to react to that stress. (Just imagine what drugs would do?)  Some of the normal chemical reactions misfire, causing further toxic substances to form.  This creates increased stress in the body and mind, leading to illness.

Did you know if you drink coffee , you need to drink 8-10 glasses of water to counteract it’s ill affects? Oh Boy!!  CHEMICAL STRESS caused by environmental toxins, the choices we make and our dietary considerations definitely impact our health and well-being.  Chemical stressors can decrease the quality and length of our lives.  Isn’t it strange that we know what is good and bad for us, yet we persist in our ill habits?

Thank goodness we have chiropractic adjustments and homeopathic therapies to stimulate an internal purification response.

How could an adjustment stimulate a purification process?  Research demonstrates that a cervical adjustment relaxes the muscles on the outside and turns on the organs inside for healing, nourishment and purification.

Now that’s powerful!

See you at the table.

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